Margaret Renkl wrote a prophecy in the NY Times on November 18: “We Can’t Keep Waiting for Our Leaders to Save Us.” Let’s all say that again — that phrase most Christians (and my team, the Anabaptists, in particular) have been saying all along: We can’t keep waiting for our leaders to save us.
Even though it is convenient to blame someone else instead of taking responsibility and organizing ourselves (ponder whether you are lazily watching your family, church or neighborhood association disintegrate), we don’t have time to wait.
Renkl writes, “We were living in a cataclysmic age of mass extinction and climate instability even before the election. Now the climate denier in chief is poised to gut the environmental protections that do exist. Even so, conservation nonprofits are struggling to raise the funds they need to challenge his wrecking-ball agenda in court. The people who care are feeling defeated, and the fight has not yet begun.”
I want to talk about that some more. But ponder what it will means when the new plutocracy takes over next January. They want to play a new ball game.
- And I mean plutocracy! Trump $8B, Elon Musk $334B, Vivek Ramaswamy $1B, Linda McMahon $3B, Howard Lutnick $2B, Doug Burgum $100M, Scott Bessent $1B, Kelly Loeffler $1B. The total wealth, just there, is more than the GDP of 169 different countries! Carsie Blanton has a prophecy of her own to sing about that situation.
- Israel’s wars have reshaped the Middle East in less than a year. Netanyahu’s attacks on Iran and Hezbollah were wildly successful. The cease fire with elements in Lebanon may undercut Hamas so badly they free the hostages. We will see if the far right-wing in Israel annexes Gaza with U.S. permission and invites Jared to realize his dreams, now that his dad, the pardoned ex-con, will be Ambassador to France.
- A.I. is going to explode in capacity any minute. I’m almost afraid to write that, since it might do something to me. Two of Google’s DeepMind co-founders, Shane Legg and Demis Hassabis, were signers of a 23-word open letter in May of 2023, along with other leaders of the A.I. universe, which declared, “Mitigating the risk of extinction from A.I. should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war.”
What kind of game will the new team play? I know some of us can’t see how Trump got into office. But is it possible that the less-than-half who elected him were so distracted by transphobia and other conspiracies, the beastly billionaires sneaked into D.C. to finish their gut of the U.S.? “Woe to you who are rich, for you have received your consolation” — Luke 6:24
An anti-beast bestiary
Their first play of the game will likely be to undermine the meager approach to climate action the world is managing. The recent COP29 meeting in Azerbaijan (home to the world’s first oil well), gave us what, an 8th of a loaf looking for half? The nominated Secretary of the Treasury, Scott Bessent, says one of his three big plans after taking his is seat is to increase U.S. oil production by 3 million barrels a day!

Renkl writes, “I was already grieving, and the approach of Remembrance Day for Lost Species, which falls each year on Nov. 30, didn’t help. Was this really the best time to pick up Vanishing Treasures: A Bestiary of Extraordinary Endangered Creatures by the dazzling British author and scholar Katherine Rundell? Did I really want to read another book about how so much of life on earth is close to ending?”
I decided I did want to read it. In fact, it is a good book to read in the aftermath of a planet-threatening election. Here’s why — For the hard work that lies ahead, Ms. Rundell writes, “Our competent and furious love will have to be what fuels us.” This weird little book helps us stay in love. Like marriages surviving crises and friendships facing conflict, we need help to stay in love.
Rundell celebrates 23 endangered creatures with factual but endearing little essays. The last of the “vanishing treasures” on her list are humans. If we lose the rest, we will lose us. You know this story.
- How will we grow crops if we lose the pollinators?
- What medical advancements — like the GLP-1 drugs, derived from a study of Gila monsters, that now treat diabetes and obesity — will we miss if reptiles go extinct?
- Which diseases will run rampant in our communities if scavengers are poisoned out of existence?
Wildlife populations are disappearing at an unthinkable rate, but we are getting nowhere in the effort to curb emissions or to protect the habitats of the creatures who yet survive and the temperature of the planet keeps going up. In 2022, the world’s nations made a historic pledge to keep 30 percent of the earth wild. So far, most of those countries have failed to produce a plan for doing so. Plus the promised abandonment of fossil fuels has proven to be an empty one. Global oil consumption was at an all-time high in 2023.
We can’t keep waiting for our leaders to save us. We need to wake up every morning looking for what we can do, collectively and individually, to buy enough time for our leaders to get this right.
In a time of diminishing possibilities, what options are left to us? You probably know about all these choices:
- Eat less meat and dairy to reduce deforestation and emissions.
- Buy less stuff to reduce transportation emissions and raw-material extraction. You could boycott Amazon.
- Stop poisoning our way out of inconvenience. We’re infecting the food chain. Plus, we need those insects and rodents.
- Drive less and slower.
- In states that allow them, citizen-initiated ballot measures can do an end-run around the leaders.
- Fund the climate action and conservation nonprofits. My favorite new one is Climate Defiance Philly.
Competent, furious love
The main thing we can do, as prophetess Rundle says, is develop “competent and furious love.” This is where the Christians should really shine, since we know:
The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.
You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh [your former sin-dominated state]; rather, serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other. (Galatians 5:6, 13-15)
If the billionaires are devouring the country, if the oil companies are devouring the air, if the media what-nots devour the communication, if the pesticides devour the vanishing treasures, only competent and furious love can stand against it. As we know:
God is love. Anyone who lives faithfully in love also lives faithfully in God, and God lives in him. This love is fulfilled with us, so that on the day of judgment we have confidence based on our identification with Jesus in this world. Love will never invoke fear. Perfect love expels fear, particularly the fear of punishment. The one who fears punishment has not been completed through love. (1 John 4:16-18, The Voice)
Fearless love will be what stands up against whatever thugs are unleashed by the hater-in-chief to punish his foes and stoke more fear. People are already hiding, especially if they look Guatemalan, for the fear of the army patrolling the streets like in Venezuela. Only love like God’s can cast out fear like that.
The fearless love of God, creation and all the creatures will have to prevail. It always seems like “weak sauce” up against AK47s. The National Shooting Sports Foundation said in 2022 there were more than 4.5 million ARs, AKs, and similar rifles in circulation. At the time of their study, there were at least 24,446,000 guns in civilian hands. But either love prevails or we all die.
My pastor is fond of believing “love wins.” He says, even if people die trusting in chariots and horses and kill the planet, love will win because God is love. I hope he is right. But I am trusting in a furious, competent love that fights, right now, with the same weapons God demonstrated in Jesus. Incarnate, self-giving love in faith and in action wins. The hope of such love gives me courage to get real and not just blame the leaders — as blamable as they may be, instead of doing what I can do, in Love.
The season of Advent began yesterday. Want to know more about it? Get your understanding refreshed? Visit Celebrating the Transhistorical Body.