I am going to use this entry to collect resources I have for understanding and experiencing the tragedy and grace happening at the border in Arizona. The area on both sides is called the “borderlands” since it has a character and government all its own. On the American side the military presence of the U.S. and an array of Christians, mostly, who alleviate its cruelty meets the power of the cartels on the Mexican side, who have taken over immigration and made it human trafficking. The shadow Mexican government is also met, mainly by Christians, who care for people caught in the many crises that bang up against the U.S. wall.
Each of the headings is a link to one of seven blog posts I wrote while on the learning tour. Click the title to go to that page. On each of those posts are more specific resources connected to what we were learning each day. Below are general resources.
1. Fridays for the Future #6 — Phoenix/Tucson the most unsustainable: It’s about water
As far as I can tell, now that I know some, Tucson residents are as in denial about their unsustainable sprawl as my research indicated.
2. Education in Agua Prieta
I later got to know more about David Bonilla. He was an intelligent, kind beginning to our exploration of the borderlands, the first of many amazing people making a difference.
Root Causes
Migration Root Causes – MCC US Video
Indigenous diaspora: Leaving home and the journey across Mexico
Aviva Chomsky on the Real Root Causes of Migration
3. Twentysomething migrants out in a cruel world
I had dinner with a young family of migrants in a shelter designed for their care. They gave me a personal picture of what is happening.
The Migration Experience/At the Border
How climate change is fueling the U.S. border (3 part series)
Border Patrol Leaves Migrants In Remote Town As Deaths Rise
The Out Crowd I: Goodbye, Stranger (thisamericanlife.org)
On Being: Luis Alberto Urrea-Borders Are Liminal Spaces
Harvest of Empire: A History of Latinos in America
I, Rigoberta Menchu: An Indian Woman in Guatemala. Rigoberta Menchu – Nobel Peace (Book)
Harvest of Empire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gW84cAN2Pw
Short Youtube Videos:
Guatemala, the CIA and United Fruit Company
Banana Republic: Guatemala, CIA and UFC
4. The two sides of the border wall
One of the main reasons I went to the borderlands was to see where Jesus was there. This was a good day for sensing the Lord’s presence in one of the wounds of the Earth.
Border Militarization and Deterrence
The Birth Of Border Militarization
100- Mile Border Enforcement Zone
Failing To Bring Back The Dead
La Frontera: Artists Along The U.S. – Mexico Border
Beyond the Wall: Reflections From A Former Border Patrol Agent
The Out Crowd II: Take the Long Way Home (thisamericanlife.org)
NPR: When Migrants Die, Many Bodies Remain Unidentified
Intercultural Church: A Biblical Vision for an Age of Migration: Safwat MarzoukSafwat Marzouk
The Devil’s Highway
The Death And Life of Aida Hernandez
5. The legal razor wire on the other side of the wall
I helped migrants during the 2-5am shift at the immigrant center at the port of entry where people can come after they have been caught and summarily removed from the U.S. Then I learned about the lawyers who are trying to help them as they hold the U.S. accountable.
Border Crossing/Sponsorship/Detention
Video: Locked in a Box
Title 42 video: https://www.facebook.com/jorgeramosnews/videos/175798981046625
Seeking Asylum: Reality at the US / Mexico Border
Books: Migrating to Prison: America’s Obsession with Locking Up Immigrants
6. Fridays for the Future #7: The Climate Wall
We met Todd Miller who has spent a lot of energy looking at the borderlands. He even wrote a book about how climate change is creating immigration issues.
7. Death in the harsh desert
On the way to Sasabe we got into the desert ourselves to see and feel the desperation and courage of migrants – and to see how many of them die.
2020 open letter on migration from MCC U.S. executive director J Ron Byler.